Welcome to Regis St. Michael’s Faculty of Theology’s Orientation 2024. We’re looking forward to starting the new academic year with you.
Wednesday, September 4

4:15 PM: Check-in
Romero Room, Loretto College, 70 St Mary St, Toronto, ON M5S 1J3
4:30 PM: Welcome and Introductions for RSM Faculty, Librarians and Staff
Romero Room, Loretto College
- Introducing the Libraries
- RSM Student Life
- Campus Ministry
5:30 PM: Program Breakout Sessions
- Basic Degree Information Session
Mary Ward Room, Loretto College - Advanced Degree Information Session
Romero Room, Loretto College
6:15 PM: Liturgy of the Word
Loretto Chapel, Loretto College
6:45 PM: Light meal to follow
Romero Room, Loretto College

Thursday, September 5
5 PM to 7 PM: Academic Skills Workshop, In-person
John M. Kelly Library, Room 105, 113 St. Joseph Street, Toronto ON M5S 3C2
- Critical Reading & Academic Writing
- Citation, Academic Integrity & Plagiarism