This course will invite students to engage significant challenges confronting the contemporary practice of theology in the Roman Catholic and Eastern Christian Churches (such as: secularization, racism, colonization, gender discrimination, sex abuse crisis). Careful attention will then be given to elements of theological reflection, with emphasis on theological method, revelation, faith, scripture, tradition, dogma and its development, teaching office (magisterium), the theologian, infallibility, and historicity. Assuming the redefining impact of globalization and religious pluralism on the understanding and practice of theology, the course aims at enabling students to critically assess and appropriate the resources of Christian tradition so as to be able to define and contribute to Roman Catholic and Eastern Christian theology tailored for the twenty-first century.
Foundations of Theology
- Instructor: Dr. Jean-Pierre Fortin
- Day: Thursday
- Time: 17:00-19:00
- Location: TBA

Dr. Jean-Pierre Fortin
Associate Professor of Practical Theology
- PhD, Theology (University of St. Michael's College)
- PhD, Philosophy (Université Laval/Namur University)
- Licentiate in Sacred Theology (Regis College)
- 416.926.7115
Teaching and Research Interests
- Practical Theology
- Spirituality
- Systematic Theology
- Ecumenism
- Philosophical Theology
Holding a Ph.D. in theology (University of St. Michael’s College), a Ph.D. in philosophy (Université Laval/Namur University) and a Licentiate in Sacred Theology (Regis College), I am a scholar proficient in Christian spirituality and systematic theology, aesthetics, ancient philosophy, and philosophy of science actively involved in ecumenical dialogue. My research addresses the question of the human condition in the context of an evolving world where radical evil and suffering are found abiding, with a view to finding ways of addressing the religious concerns of twenty-first century citizens. Interpreting the Christian tradition using categories and methods drawn from practical theology and integrating the inputs of philosophy and experimental science, I attempt to provide a more comprehensive account of human existence. I see theologians as entrusted with a most demanding mission: to help their contemporaries decipher the presence and work of God in the complex, fast-paced and ever-changing context of their daily lives and actions. Listening to the challenging voices of Indigenous peoples, racialized communities and trauma survivors, engaging 19th century masterpieces of French literature and contemporary works of science fiction, I strive to articulate and live out inclusive and transformative Roman Catholic faith and theology.
SMT5601HS L0101
Theology of Radical Evil and Suffering
Winter 2023- Instructor: Dr. Jean-Pierre Fortin
- Day: Tuesday
- Time: 16:00
- Location: CR 106
SMF3010HS L0101
Theological Reflection Seminar
Winter 2023- Instructor: Dr. Jean-Pierre Fortin
- Day: Thursday
- Time: 17:00-19:00
- Location: Regis College Classroom A
Foundations of Theology
Fall 2022- Instructor: Dr. Jean-Pierre Fortin
- Day: Thursday
- Time: 17:00-19:00
- Location: TBA
- Fortin, Jean-Pierre. Evolving Grace: Spiritual History of a Christian Doctrine. Proposal approved by Fortress Press. In preparation.
- Fortin, Jean-Pierre. Grace in Auschwitz: A Holocaust Christology. Minneapolis: Fortress, 2016.
- Fortin, Jean-Pierre. L’apparaître humain. Essai sur la signification philosophique du principe anthropique [The Human Apparition: Essay on the Philosophical Significance of the Anthropic Cosmological Principle]. Science, Histoire, Philosophie Series. Paris / Lyons: Librairie philosophique J. Vrin / Institut Interdisciplinaire d’Études Épistémologiques, 2006.
- Fortin, Jean-Pierre and Heiko Schulz (eds.). Aqedah: The Binding of Isaac (Gen 22) as a Challenge for the Rationality of Religion in Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2023.
- Fortin, Jean-Pierre and Jane Barter (eds.). Circles of Conversation: Celebrating Expansive Imagination in the Practice of Theology. Religious Studies and Theology 39, no. 2 (2020): 139-259.
- Fortin, Jean-Pierre. “Revolution of Faith in Les Misérables: The Journey from Misery to Mercy in the Secular Age.” Journal of Moral Theology 11, no. 1 (2022): 133-55.
- Fortin, Jean-Pierre. “At Pains Following and Serving God: A Contemporary Theology of Joy in Suffering.” Heythrop Journal 62, no. 2 (2021): 39-64.
- Fortin, Jean-Pierre. “Christian Discipleship as Compassionate Listening: Learning to Be Human in Times of Pandemic.” Touchstone 39, no. 1 (2021): 28-39.
- Fortin, Jean-Pierre. “Theology Giving Back: A (De)constructive Reading of Jacques Derrida’s Phenomenology of the Gift.” Religious Studies & Theology 40, no. 1 (2021): 66-80.
- Fortin, Jean-Pierre. “White Church or World Community? James Baldwin’s Challenging Discipleship.” Journal of Moral Theology 9, no. 2 (2020): 39-64.
- Fortin, Jean-Pierre. “‘Blessed Are Those Who Mourn’: The Coexistence and Paradoxical Conjunction of Joy and Suffering.” Studies in Spirituality 29 (2019): 273-314.
- Fortin, Jean-Pierre. “Truth as Gift and Vocation: New Perspectives on Revelation.” Irish Theological Quarterly 84, no. 4 (2019): 353-72.
- Fortin, Jean-Pierre. “Pope Francis’ Global Spirituality: Mercy as Foundation for an Integral Theology.” Spiritus 19, no. 1 (2019): 64-80.
- Fortin, Jean-Pierre. “Self-Transcendence and Union in Christ: Karl Rahner’s Eucharistic Theology of Creation.” Philosophy & Theology 30, no. 2 (2018): 531-48.
- Fortin, Jean-Pierre. “Lament of a Wounded Priest: The Spiritual Journey of Job.” Religions 9, no. 12 (2018): 1-14.
- Fortin, Jean-Pierre. “Scriptural Spirituality as Postmodern Theology: Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Transformational Interpretation of the Psalms.” Theology Today 75, no. 3 (2018): 358-70.
- Fortin, Jean-Pierre. “Mercy as Conversion in Dialogue: Theological Encounter between Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Pope Francis.” American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting (2021, November), San Antonio, TX.
- Fortin, Jean-Pierre. “Blade Runner’s Postapocalyptic Imago Dei: Lived Humanity in a World of Simulation.” College Theology Society Annual Convention (2021, June), Online.
- Fortin, Jean-Pierre. “Redeeming Memory: Rewriting Canadian History and Theology with Lee Maracle, Terry LeBlanc and Thomas King.” Canadian Theological Society Annual Conference (2021, June), University of Alberta (Edmonton, AB).
- Fortin, Jean-Pierre. “Ministerial Formation in the Virtual World: Effective Online Teaching for Practical Theology.” Association of Practical Theology (2020, November), (Boston, MA).
- Fortin, Jean-Pierre. “Salvation outside the Church? Following James Baldwin’s Invitation to Deconstruct White Christianity.” Canadian Theological Society Annual Conference (2019, June), University of British Columbia (Vancouver, BC).
- Fortin, Jean-Pierre. “Postmodern Theology as Spiritual Autobiography: The Joyful Suffering of Four Female Medieval Mystics.” 9th International Conference on Religion and Spirituality in Society (2019, April), University of Granada (Granada, Spain).
- Fortin, Jean-Pierre. “‘White Church or World Community?’: Meeting the Baldwin Challenge in the 21st Century.” College Theology Society Annual Convention (2018, May), St. Catherine’s University (St. Paul, MN).
- Fortin, Jean-Pierre. “Finding Joy and Forming Community in Pain: Moltmann and Balthasar on Christian Freedom and Discipleship.” Canadian Theological Society Annual Conference (2018, May), University of Regina (Regina, SK).
- Fortin, Jean-Pierre. “Pope Francis’ Global Spirituality: Mercy as Foundation for an Integral Theology.” Catholicism after Five Years of a Francis Papacy Conference (2018, March), Center for Advanced Research in Catholic Theology, King’s University College (London, ON).
- Fortin, Jean-Pierre. “Cruciform Grace and Human Communion: Teresa of Calcutta’s Spirituality of Suffering Service.” American Academy of Religion - Midwest Region Annual Conference (2018, March), Courtyard Marriott and Horizon Convention Center (Muncie, IN).
- Fortin, Jean-Pierre. “Entering the Dark Night of Grace: Christian Theology Informed by the Holocaust.” Suffering, Diminishment and the Christian Life Conference (2018, January), Ushaw College (Durham, England).
- Fortin, Jean-Pierre. “The Christian Experience of Loss and Grief.” Theology & Rationality IX: An International Workshop (2022, May), Goethe University (Bad Homburg, Germany).
- Fortin Jean-Pierre. “Salvation for the Church: James Baldwin, James Cone and M. Shawn Copeland’s Struggle for an Antiracist Christianity.” St. Joseph’s College Speaker Series (2022, January), St. Joseph’s College, University of Alberta.
- Fortin, Jean-Pierre. “Gen 2-3: Original Sin? Emergence and Formation of Human Freedom.” Theology & Rationality VIII: An International Workshop (2020, November), Goethe University (Bad Homburg, Germany).
- Fortin, Jean-Pierre. “‘Now I Know that You Fear God’: The Sacrifice of Isaac or Human Existence as Availability and Promise.” Theology & Rationality VII: An International Workshop (2019 November), Bad Homburg (Germany).
- Fortin, Jean-Pierre. “Lament of a Wounded Priest: The Spiritual Journey of Job.” Theology & Rationality VI: An International Workshop (2018, October), Bad Homburg (Germany).
- Fortin, Jean-Pierre. “‘Blessed Are Those Who Mourn’: The Coexistence and Paradoxical Conjunction of Joy and Suffering.” Fall Research Symposium (2018, September). Yale Center for Faith and Culture, Yale Divinity School (New Haven, CT).
- Fortin, Jean-Pierre. “‘The Word of God in Your Mouth Is Truth’: Reflections on the Nature and Function of Prophetic Inspiration and Ministry.” Theology & Rationality V: An International Workshop (2017, October), Goethe-University (Frankfurt, Germany).
- Fortin, Jean-Pierre. “Truth as Personal (Hi)story: Christian Perspectives on Revelation.” Theology & Rationality IV: An International Workshop (2016, November), Goethe-University (Frankfurt, Germany).