This course is a historical, systematic, and pastoral study of the sacraments of initiation (baptism, confirmation, Eucharist), sacraments of healing (reconciliation, sacrament of the sick), sacraments of vocation (marriage and orders) in Roman Catholic practice.
SMT3433HS L0101
Sacramental Life
- Instructor: Dr. Darren Dias, OP
- Day: Wednesday
- Time: 11:00-13:00
- Location: Regis College Classroom B

Dr. Darren Dias, OP
Associate Professor of Systematic Theology
Darren Dias teaches courses such as the Mystery of the Triune God; Creation, Fall, Grace and Glory; Research Methods; Theology of the Holy Spirit, Trinitarian Approaches to Religious Diversity. His area of research is, generally speaking, in the intersection of Trinitarian Theology and historical movements and realities. Currently, he is working on a SSHRC funded project with colleagues Gilles Routhier (Laval) and Michael Attridge (St. Michael’s) entitled: “One Canada Two Catholicism: Divergent Evolutions in the Catholic Church in Quebec and Ontario, 1695-1985.”
SMT3433HS L0101
Sacramental Life
Winter 2023- Instructor: Dr. Darren Dias, OP
- Day: Wednesday
- Time: 11:00-13:00
- Location: Regis College Classroom B
- “Trinity, Elemental Meaning and Psychic Conversion: A Pastoral Consideration,” in Intellect Affect and God. The Trinity, History and the Life of God, ed. Joseph Ogbannaya and Gerard Whelen. Ashland: Baker and Taylor, 2021.
- “The Pedagogy of Migration: The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Toronto’s response to Migration 1934-1963,” in Global In-difference: The Church and Migration, ed. Darren Dias, Michael Attridge, Jerry Skira, Gerard Mannion, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021, 369-392.
- “Shaping Curriculum: Interreligious Education at the Toronto School of Theology,” Toronto Journal of Theology 37 (2021) 23-42.
- “Interreligious Dialogue as Language Negotiation,” Religious Studies and Theology 39 (2020) 210-224.
- “Pierre Claverie: Holiness in a World Church,” in Changing the Church, ed. Mark Chapman and Vladimir Latinovic. NewYork: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020, 155-165.
- “A Province of Their Own: Dominique-Ceslas Gonthier and the First Canadian Dominican Communities,” Itinerantes, Revista de Historia y Religion 12 (2020) 11-30.