In this course, we will examine some of the major texts and themes of the medieval theology of creation. This is a large subject and we will only be able to explore a limited portion. To gain an appreciation of the complexity, both in terms of content and methodology, we shall focus on five major medieval texts over twelve weeks, from Bede (672-735) to Robert Grosseteste (ca. 1170-1253). As we examine these texts, we shall be guided by three general questions: (1) How did classical and late antique (meta)physics shape the medieval account of creation? (2) What is the relationship between an account of creation and biblical hermeneutics? and, (3) What bearing did a theology of creation have on other major theological topics, such as soteriology and theological anthropology?
Cancelled- The Medieval Theology of Creation
- Instructor: Dr. James Ginther
- Day: Tuesday
- Time: 11:00-13:00
- Location: TBA

Dr. James Ginther
Professor of Church History
Dr. James Ginther, former Dean of the Faculty of Theology, has been appointed Associate Director of the Centre for Medieval Studies (CMS) at the University of Toronto, effective July 1, 2021. A mediaeval historian and professor of Church history, Dr. Ginther will continue to teach at St. Michael’s during his three-year appointment to the Centre.
James Ginther a medievalist and historical theologian who works primarily in twelfth- and thirteenth-century European theology. His research focuses on biblical exegesis and the relationship between the study of the natural world and theological discourse. He is currently leading a SSHRC-funded project that will produce an edition of Stephen Langton’s lectures on Genesis. He teaches courses in medieval church history, Anselm of Canterbury, the medieval theology of creation, and methods in historical theology.
Dr. Ginther has also been working in digital humanities for the last twenty years. He has collaborated on several large projects, including the digital tool T-PEN (Transcription for Paleographical and Editorial Notation,
SMH 3104H
Theology & the Birth of the University
Fall 2022- Instructor: Dr. James Ginther
- Day: Tuesday
- Time: 17:00-19:00
- Location:
Fall 2022
- Instructor: Dr. James Ginther
- Day: Tuesday
- Time: 11:00-13:00
- Location: TBA
- Ginther, James R. “Hildegard of Bingen's Theology.” In The Cambridge Companion to Hildegard of Bingen. Ed. J. Bain, pp. 85-104. Cambridge: University of Cambridge Press, 2021.